If you are in the middle of a workers’ compensation claim, there may come a time when you realize that you cannot return to your job. Many of our clients can no longer perform the job they once had and so they need to begin thinking about what kind of work they can do once they are able. The question we most often hear in this case is whether or not they should be job searching during an active workman’s comp claim.
The answer is yes—absolutely.
Many clients don’t understand the importance of job searching because they think it is counterintuitive. They believe that having work restrictions means no work at all. The thing to remember is that the Workers’ Compensation Commission sees this very differently. They need to see that you are doing everything you can to get back on your feet. It is critical to your case that you start applying for jobs as soon as your attorney advises you to do so. At Oxner + Permar, we routinely recommend looking for at least three to five jobs per week. The goal is to demonstrate to the Commission that you are invested in getting back to work as soon as you are physically able. Your attorney can advise you on what types of jobs you should be looking for and how to best document your search.