Are you out of work because of an injury? Maybe you slipped and fell, or got in a car accident and the medical bills emptied your pocket. Depending on the extent of your work injury, you might not be able to return to work right away.

This could put you in an incredibly difficult situation. You’ve got bills to pay, groceries to buy, and now additional medical expenses to cover. How can you possibly focus on your recovery when you have so much else on your plate? It’s frustrating that life can give us these curveballs, but there is hope!
The good news is, NC law takes this into consideration. If you are unable to return to work due to your work injuries, the insurance company has to pay your workers’ comp benefits at a rate of two-thirds of your weekly wage.
It may happen that you are able to return to work, but due to work restrictions from your injury, you can’t return to your full job. In these cases, chances are you will be assigned a different role at lower pay. This can be just as hard on your budget as no pay at all, which is why workers’ compensation benefits will cover two-thirds of the difference between your old salary and your new salary. This will help alleviate the financial burden brought on by your work injury.

Your weekly salary is determined by your regular income; it also takes into account additional wages such as bonuses, overtime, and allowances. If you have any questions about calculating your weekly wages or your workers’ compensation benefits, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced attorney. The insurance company may be responsible for paying a portion of your lost wages.