After you’re injured on the job, we know that funds can be tight. From medical bills, to not being able to return to work, to the general expenses of daily life, a work injury can lead to tough financial situations for yourself and your family — leaving you wondering, “When will I start receiving my workers’ compensation checks?”

When Will You Start Receiving the Checks?
Under the Workers’ Compensation Act, “no compensation shall be allowed for the first seven calendar days of a disability resulting from an injury.” This means you’ll be waiting at least a week. In this time, we recommend reaching out to an attorney — the sooner the better. In the event that your injury leaves you disabled for more than 21 days, you may be allowed compensation from the date of your disability.
While you are allowed to use sick days or vacation days to cover the first week, you’re out of work due to your work injury, you are not required to use this limited resource. Constantly, we see employers and insurers misinforming injured workers’ about their use of paid time off.
What are Your Other Financial Options During Injury Recovery Time?
When you’ve been injured on the job and cannot go back to work, you have many financial options open to you during this time. This includes taking out a loan, applying for private assistance, or making use of severance pay.
Taking out a loan is one way to cover some of your expenses while you’re off work recovering from an injury. A loan lets you access funds quickly and easily so that you can get by until your compensation checks start coming in. Make sure that the payment plan works with your budget and that you understand all the terms before signing anything.
You should also look into grants that might assist with medical bills, therapy and other related expenses caused by the injury. Private foundations and government grants can help fill in income gaps while recovering from an on-the-job injury. Talk to your doctor or the hospital’s case manager about any possible grant opportunities they might recommend or provide helpful information about specific grants that might be available in your area.
Finally, many employers offer severance pay in certain circumstances, such as an illness or injury that prevents a person from continuing in their role at the company. This will vary depending on the employer’s policies but could be a great way to supplement other sources of income while you are unable to work due to your injury or illness.
Why Is It Important to Hire a Lawyer When Injured on the Job?

If you’ve been injured on the job, hiring a lawyer is an absolute must. No matter how minor or severe your injury may be, having a lawyer to represent you can make all the difference in getting you the compensation and benefits that you deserve.
A lawyer will review your case to ensure that all necessary paperwork has been submitted to your employer’s workers’ compensation carrier. They will also provide advice about what rights and benefits you are entitled to, as well as advise on any legal documents associated with the claim.
Not only will a lawyer help you get the compensation benefits that you need, but they may also be able to negotiate a better settlement than you could have otherwise obtained on your own. This includes negotiating with employers who are reluctant to answer questions or approve claims due to fear of being liable for medical costs or other related expenses associated with an on-the-job injury.
Having an attorney at your side can make sure that your rights are properly protected and ensure that any settlement received is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This way, you won’t miss out on any of the benefits and checks owed to you due to an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.
Hiring a lawyer early on in the process will ensure that you’ve got someone on your side who understands all the laws and nuances of dealing with a workers’ compensation case. With more than $275m in settlements and awards, Oxner + Permar Law has the experience to guide you through the workers’ compensation process and ensure that your rights are being protected.