If you are injured and filing a workers’ comp claim, you might be wondering if it is okay to use social media during a workers’ comp case. After all, in this day and age, we share everything online. Social media makes it so easy to connect with friends and family. Whether it’s birthday wishes or photos with friends, there are all sorts of ways to share our thoughts and feelings and keep in touch. For the most part, sharing things on social media is pretty harmless. However, this is not always the case when you’re in the middle of a workers’ compensation case.

What you might not consider is the fact that defense lawyers and insurance carriers may try to look you up on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media accounts you might have. They will look for evidence that you’re not really as injured as you claim to be. This evidence could be something as simple as a photograph of you out with your friends, especially if you’re doing something physical like dancing or swimming.
The best policy is to simply deactivate your Facebook (or other social media) account until after your trial. At the very least you should set your social media settings to private. Don’t post pictures of things that could be incriminating. For instance, if you post vacation pictures of yourself lying out on a beach when you’re supposed to be recovering, the defense will most likely call this into question.

It can be hard to break the social media habit, but we promise things will be better if you take the plunge and deactivate your social media accounts until after your case has ended. Definitely better safe than sorry!