At Oxner + Permar, we believe in giving back in a variety of ways, including providing valuable educational opportunities. It’s important that all citizens of the community are informed of their rights. Making information freely available is a huge part of ensuring that the community is aware of the the laws that concern their everyday life. That’s why we like to host informational events in and around the Greensboro area.
On June 23rd, we helped host an informational event at Daystar Church. The goal of this event was to speak on issues that affect the Hispanic community of Greensboro. We had a variety of speakers such as Eric Ramirez, one of our distinguished workers’ compensation attorneys.
We also heard from Jessica Yañez (Yañez Immigration Law), who spoke about the laws and regulations that often come into play with immigration. The Immigrants Rights Working Group joined us to talk about the different ways that they provide services to immigrants in the U.S. The group is dedicated to fighting anti-immigration policy, supporting immigration cases, and providing education on immigration law. And FaithAction International House partnered with us as advocates for immigrants working to build understanding and a sense of belonging. Finally, the Greensboro Police Department provided information and support, which we appreciate as well. It takes all kinds of partners to help ensure our community is well informed and well supported.
After a brief overview from each of the presenters on their area of expertise, we opened up the floor for a Q&A session. This was an excellent opportunity for members of the community to ask question and stay informed of their rights. We’re so glad this was such a successful event, and we hope to see you at the next one!