When a new hospital facility opens up in the community, everyone is filled with joy! New jobs are created and the local economy is pumped. While many people are excited about developments like this, others are concerned. After all, a new addition means new jobs and more claims.

You may have heard that the Huntersville hospital is looking to expand its capacity. Novant Health is seeking a $45.6 million grant to add a 3-story addition to the Novant Health Huntersville Medical Center. The hospital is currently functioning at or close to capacity, and hospital officials worry that if the need continues at this rate, they won’t be able to accommodate all of the patients who come through the doors.
An expansion of the facility would also mean an increase in the number of jobs the center offers as well as those jobs needed to carry out such a project. The Huntersville Medical Center will need to recruit more nurses, and in order to complete the addition in the first place, construction jobs will be needed to be filled. While it’s exciting to have added jobs, it’s also important to be mindful of the possibility of injuries. Medical professionals and construction workers are both fields that see an awful lot of workers’ compensation claims.
If you work in either of these fields, make sure that you’re taking the necessary steps to protect yourself at work. Are you following proper safety guidelines and regulations? Are you properly equipped and trained to handle the machinery? Are you seeking assistance when trying to lift people or objects that are too heavy for you to handle alone?

Even if you’re following best practices and safety guidelines, accidents still happen. If you’re injured at work, you should report your injury and take the necessary steps to file for workers’ compensation. Your employer takes out workers’ comp insurance in order to cover you in these situations. Make sure you’re protecting your rights and claiming the benefits that you deserve.