According to Government Health IT, the Social Security Administration is considering new programs that would allow its Disability Determination Services to gather medical records electronically. Right now, the disability determinations are made from paper records provided by doctors and hospitals. The story indicates that this is a huge expense to the government – costing over $500 million a year. The Social Security Administration is proposing several programs that would incorporate available technology to make gathering records quicker and less expensive.

This is something that has been in the works for years. Social Security has initiated several programs over the last several years that make the process quicker. Claimants can submit new evidence online and have video hearings (where the claimant is in one office and the Administrative Law Judge is hundreds of miles away). Most law firms that practice this type of law have been investing heavily in the technology and equipment necessary to gather and submit records quickly and efficiently. Oxner + Permar, with offices all over the state of North Carolina, is doing amazing things with technology. Our Social Security practice, for instance, is almost completely digital and paperless.

This article was written by Chip Permar