When dealing with a workers’ compensation case, we often hope that everything follows procedure: that we can read attorney’s blogs and find step-by-step online “How to File for Workers’ Compensation” guides and that everything will work out fine. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible. Sometimes things don’t always go according to plan, such as when your insurance carrier didn’t authorize referral of doctor.

What should you do if your insurance carrier fails to authorize the referral of your treating doctor? When you find yourself in this scenario, chances are you’re in need of additional medical treatment or medication, and waiting around isn’t really an option. However, there are steps you can take to get the treatment you need.
- An attorney can secure additional treatment and authorization of further medical care from the Industrial Commission in an expedited hearing or in an emergency hearing, depending on how dire the situation is.
- You can get your own care and then ask the Commission to authorize it.

Recently we helped one of our clients deal with this situation. We advised them to take option two and encouraged them to seek their own medical care when the carrier did not authorize it in a timely manner. As it happened, instead of going to litigation, the insurance company agreed to the doctor that they selected. It can be difficult to know what to do in situations like this, so we recommend seeking advice from an experienced attorney.