Did you recently suffer a loss in wages due to a work-related incident? If so, you’re not alone. Nobody wants to suffer a loss in wages due to injury or illness, but it happens. Perhaps you have already experienced this heartache and been unable to do much about it. You could be now asking yourself, “How could I make up for loss in wages?”

Here’s the scenario: You find yourself injured at work, and while your employer’s workers’ compensation benefits cover your medical bills, you find that your employer has reduced the number of hours you work to accommodate your light-duty work restrictions. Despite your workers’ comp benefits, you’re still coming up short when it comes to income, but you can’t ask for more hours, because you need to respect your reduced hours in order to recover and maintain your workers’ comp benefits.
This may seem like a no-win scenario for you, but the good news is there’s a solution! Did you know that you might also be entitled to payments for loss of income? Just because you’re receiving workers’ compensation doesn’t mean everyday life stops. On top of medical expenses, you still need to cover bills, groceries, and other daily necessities. Payments for loss of income protect your right to take the time to heal and can help you keep yourself afloat while working fewer hours.

If you have any questions about whether or not you are entitled to payments that cover loss in income be sure to contact an attorney. At Oxner + Permar our experienced attorneys are always happy to talk to you about your rights, and help ensure that you’re being protected.