I often hear potential clients say their supervisor told them they do not carry workers’ compensation insurance or that there is no way to file a worker’s comp claim. Although there are a few exceptions, in North Carolina employers who employ three or more people are generally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance.

This appears to be a tactic that employers use to try and decrease the number of claims that are filed in an effort to keep their insurance rates from rising. Unfortunately, a lot of people will take their supervisor’s word for it and not file a claim.

The longer someone waits to file a claim, the more damaging it may be to their claim or benefits. If your employer ever tells you that they do not have workers’ compensation insurance, it is best to consult with an attorney to determine if this is true as you may still be entitled to benefits in the event that your employer does not carry the required workers’ compensation insurance.

If you have been hurt on the job and are not sure if your employer carries workers’ compensation insurance, please give us a call for a free consultation. With more than $275 million in awards and settlements, Oxner + Permar has the experience to help defend your rights.