It may seem unfair, but insurance carriers have a lot of say in your workers’ compensation claim — especially when it comes to determining your doctor. In a workers’ compensation case, the insurance carrier gets to select your doctor. This makes many people uneasy. The insurance carrier will use the doctor’s evaluation to determine how much they will pay you in benefits. How can you trust that this doctor isn’t siding with the insurance company to downplay your injuries? And if you have doubts about the doctor, you may ask, “am I entitled to a second opinion?”

Or maybe you just want to know whether there are other additional treatment recommendations out there that could help relieve your pain or lessen your disability. Fortunately, in the State of South Carolina, you have the right to seek a second opinion from the doctor of your choosing. If you are dissatisfied with your first evaluation, you should appeal to the insurance company for a second opinion.
What if My Second Opinion is Not Accepted?
In some cases, the insurance company may not agree to grant a second opinion. However, your insurance company does not have final say on the matter. If they refuse, you can appeal to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission. In most cases they will order the insurance company to provide you with a second opinion.
Sometimes it can feel like the insurance companies have all the power and that you’re fighting an uphill battle the whole way. But there are people who have your back and are there to support you. The Workers’ Compensation Commission wants to make sure that your case is being handled fairly. Many doctors have their patients’ best interests at heart and want you to recover as quickly and fully as possible. But honestly, one of your greatest assets is an experienced attorney.
Having an attorney on your side who not only understands the law, but has experience dealing with insurance companies is someone who truly has your back. We can evaluate your situation and know when you’re being treated fairly, and when you need to take action. At Oxner + Permar, we’re passionate about standing up for our clients. Make sure you have someone who’s willing to stand up for you.