If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, then you probably know that it has been a bad year for Johnson & Johnson as they faced some substantial cases in 2016. In fact, the company has been engaged in six of the seven biggest product defect cases of 2016. And the verdicts did not play out in their favor. They ended up losing millions of dollars as a result.

Johnson & Johnson started 2016 off with their first major case involving a defective blood-thinner, Xeralto, which caused uncontrollable bleeding in some patients. They also were involved in two major defective hip implant cases and two cases involving talcum powder and ovarian cancer. The sixth case was over their drug Risperdal, which caused the males who took it to develop female breasts. In all 6 of these cases, Johnson & Johnson was forced to settle for anywhere from $55 million to $1 billion.
The important thing about cases such as these is that they can end up becoming more and more expensive for a company, even after the cases have settled. Many people worry that they won’t be able to stand up in court to a big company such as Johnson & Johnson. However, once they see that someone with a similar case has been successful, more and more victims start stepping forward.

Everyone who’s been wrongfully harmed by a prescription drug or medical device that was supposed to help them deserves to have their case heard and to be rightfully compensated. If you’ve been injured as a result of a faulty product, don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced attorney like the caring and determined team members we have at Oxner + Permar. We can help you stand up to the big corporations and get the benefits you deserve.