After being separated for one year, either spouse may file paperwork with the court system to terminate their marriage.
Contact us today to discuss this process and understand the many legal pit falls including how other legal rights can be altered by a divorce.
While it typically takes several weeks or months to have your case heard in court, some limited circumstances allow you to request immediate action from the court. Protections from abuse, harm to a child, or loss of marital assets are some examples of the type of emergency that courts will consider without a regularly scheduled court date. Call us for advice on pursuing or defending emergency cases.
Following separation and divorce, one spouse’s financial quality of life is not supposed to disappear. One souse’s claim for support from the other is determined by the court, and based on multiple factors including fault, the length of the marriage, the difference in income between parties, earning ability, etc. Contact us today to learn more about your rights in pursuing or defending a claim for spousal support.
A natural parent’s or grandparent’s right to make decisions and spend time with their children is determined in a child custody case. There are no formulas or blueprints for the right custody arrangement. A careful understanding of each parent’s schedule, circumstances, involvement and desires is critical in advocating for our client’s role in raising their children. Know your rights before you make any custody decisions.
Unlike child custody, North Carolina has a formula for determining child support. Understanding how these laws are implemented by the court system is critical in paying or receiving the proper amount of child support in North Carolina. We are ready to help you obtain and enforce your child support order, to modify an out of date order, or terminate child support order when appropriate. Call us today to discuss any of these options.
Many, if not most, issues you face in your family law case can be settled in an agreement with the other party. However, it is critical to understand the impact of settling your case via contract instead of a court order. Schedule a meeting with one of our family law attorneys today to understand the many settlement options available to you.
The distribution of your personal property, real estate, investments, retirement accounts, vehicles, debts, etc. are included as part of this claim. This part of family law involves complex questions that can only be answered following a comprehensive analysis of your case. While North Carolina presumes a certain distribution of marital property, understanding the definition of marital property versus other categories of property, as well as one’s rights to an unequal distribution, can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
If you believe a third party broke up your marriage or had sex with your spouse prior to separation, you may be able to pursue claims against them for monetary damages. These cases are often fact driven, so gathering evidence early in the process is critical. If you want to know your rights in pursuing or defending third party claims, call us today for a consultation.
We refer clients to a number of community resources and use a number of experts to protect our client’s interests in family law cases. We are prepared to discuss the use of any of these resources or experts in your case.